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About Captain H2O

I was a firefighter for over three decades, and throughout those years I acquired many skills from my experiences such as instructing, officer training, and logistics.

Nearing retirement I realized I needed a tool to easily pass on this important information that I have worked to cultivate. My department alone is losing a third of its officers from retirement and so much knowledge is at danger of being lost, this is why I have created this website.

This website will be the perfect tool in sharing information on anything fire-related, this includes apparatus and equipment care, proper drill procedure, and practical fire ground approach. We invite everyone to reach out to us on what topics you would like to learn about and my crew and I put together as much information from our own research and personal experiences in a comprehensive way for all on this website.

In addition to the website, I have started a company to service your fire vehicles and apparatuses. The cost of fire vehicles towers over that of most high-end cars, but most fire vehicles aren’t given the same treatment and care.

Emergency vehicles have unique decals, fittings, lights, and diamond plate surfaces, but aren’t given more than routine cleaning from your department. These vehicles require paint protection, sealants, window coats and much more;
your fire vehicle represents your fire department, and in turn your city, so why not have that “showroom appearance” to the citizens you swore to protect? In addition to our vehicle service, we also provide training sessions and trusted products to keep your vehicles in the best shape possible. Contact us to in order to look the best